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22 Key Elements for a Hardy and Resilient Landscape

  • Appropriate planning + garden design that understands user needs and site features and conditions
  • Soil analysis + improvement
  • Appropriate site preparation
  • Reduced use of chemicals and fertilisers
  • Appropriate plant selection for suitability to your area
  • Choose water wise, drought, frost and fire tolerant plants
  • Best practice planting techniques using water crystals
  • Practical and minimal, drought tolerant grassed areas
  • Increased use of lawn substitutes including native grasslands, permeable paving, mulched areas, paths and native gardens
  • Reduction in use of hard surfaces
  • Use of paving where you walk, stand or sit (permeable options that allow water penetration)
  • Increased use of surface materials that don’t reflect and absorb heat 
  • Increased use of shade
  • Creation of cool zones and mini oasis
  • Increased use of decorative pots and potted gardens
  • Integration of productive plants for food supply
  • Efficient watering + irrigation so plants receive water when and where they need it
  • On site rainwater harvesting, storm water and grey water re-use
  • Use of water saving practices, design principles and technologies
  • Mulching to retain moisture and suppress weeds
  • Appropriate maintenance
  • An appreciation that climatic conditions will get tougher in future