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7 Ways to Reduce Hard Surfaces and Why You Should

Hard surfaces such as roofs, walls, walkways and paths, driveways and roads soak up heat and cause moisture in the soil to evaporate more quickly.

  • Locating trees and other vegetation, covered pergolas and shade structures will create shade that will cool the surrounding landscape and provide protection from the harsh summer sun.
  • Selecting appropriate hard surface materials, such as reconstituted sandstone paving rather than concrete is essential.
  • Many hard surfaces direct rainwater into the stormwater system which unfortunately washes pollution and rubbish into our waterways and leaves our garden bereft of the benefits of rainfall.  When designing hard surfaces, rainwater should be directed on to garden areas where possible or collected in a tank for garden use. 
  • Garden beds should also be constructed to retain maximum water – if beds are ripped and are at or below paving level, water can flow into them and replenish soil moisture.
  • Green roofs and green walls are becoming more popular and significantly improve a building’s insulation while providing valuable green spaces. 
  • Gardens created on rooftops and vertical walls are fast becoming a means of cooling down urban landscapes.

Refer also to ‘Passive solar design…’ and ‘4 funky concepts…’ posts for more applicable tips and information