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Whitlam 1A Estate and Display Village, Whitlam ACT

Project Name: Whitlam 1A Estate and Display Village, Whitlam ACT

Project type: Plant supply, Hard and Soft Landscaping, Maintenance

Completion date + duration Completed: March 2021 / Duration 1 year 15 months

Project description: Principal contractor for all aspects of soft and hardscaping within a new Estate including verge and open space works, water quality pond, recreational spaces and the Display Village: 1300m2 of segmental paving, paved edging on medians and herringbone in public spaces, street furniture (pots, picnic tables, bike racks, bins), boulders installation, steel edging, rock work around pond, cultivation of garden beds and verges, 120000m2 of dryland grassing, 120000m2 of temporary grassing, 2000m2 of native grassing, 3500m2 of Turf, topsoil amelioration, gravel, compressed granite paths, 4700m2 mulching, root control barrier, supply and install 8000 understorey plants 140mm to 300mm, 8000 specialist wetlands / pond plants, 1250 Advanced trees from 200mmSR to 400L, extended maintenance  

Project Value: $2,500 000

Qty of plants supplied: 17,250 + 245,500m2

Project location: Whitlam, Canberra

Client:  BDM Group