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Drum roll please.....Provincial's Advanced Tree Nurseries are Growing!

Advanced Native and Deciduous Tree Nurseries that are a bit special


Our native and deciduous farm and street trees are grown in purpose-built facilities (by horticulturalist / ecologist / passionate tree loving people) and are supplied sun and frost hardened – sexy and tough.  We also have an extensive range of ‘farm’ trees that will do the job but have their quirks! 


We have around 5000 advanced trees 45L – 200L ready for planting now and a further 5000 in production and ready in near future.  Our next production nursery is about to commence construction so we won’t stop here and are fast becoming the largest supplier of advanced trees in Canberra, SE NSW and surrounds, offering the most competitive prices on quality stock grown by an environmentally conscious nursery.

  •  Natives are now available in 200mmSR, 45L and 100L pots
  •  Deciduous trees are now available in 45L, 75L, 100L and 200L pots

What is in it for you?

We’re happy to apply special bonuses when you buy trees in bulk (discounts will be applied on bulk orders of 75L, 100L and 200L trees for orders over 10 trees.  % range to be calculated between 5% - 15% based on order size. 

We will also apply discounts on Pre-Grow Orders – so if you know a project is coming up in 6, 12 or 18 months, we invite you to get organised early and secure the stock in advance at the best possible pricing and avoid last minute stress and project delays when you can’t find what you need.  Given trees can take from 6 – 12 months to several years to grow to select sizes, it’s opportune to get it together early and lock in your stock.  Oh yeah.  Talk to us

We also have a fabulous big, white, specifically designed plant transporting truck (driven by Phil – in his blue singlet if you’re lucky 😊) to deliver plants to you (and take the pressure off you having to lug the big boys around).

And we can plant them for you if that takes your fancy – we have an awesome tree loving planting team that are experts at installing and maintaining great big trees


What makes our tree growing facilities and ethos so special?


Provincial’s advanced native and deciduous trees are grown in chemical free nurseries that operate on renewable solar energy, use an off-grid water supply and on-site water storage that’s moved around using solar pumps – they are truly ‘green’ trees!

Provincial is committed to minimising our carbon footprint and practises xeriscaping, agro-forestry and regenerative agriculture.  We grow but importantly plant a load of trees that absorb the carbon dioxide emissions that are driving global warming  -  we’re good guys playing clean and smart in an otherwise dirty industry.

Why are we doing this? Because we want to make a positive impact on our world and we want to help you to plant more trees.  We have experienced first-hand the effect of a changing climate, drought, floods, weather extremes and resultant bushfires on our lives and projects.

The planet needs trees.  Our communities need trees.  Our homes and landscapes need trees that provide shade and shelter, create habitat, are natural air conditioners and purifiers, don’t burn in fires, improve air, soil and water quality generally and make you feel better.  You can make a difference, make your outdoor space or property more liveable and beautiful and help the planet breathe if you plant more trees.  You need trees. 

Now if you buy trees from us that are grown sustainably at the best prices we think you’ll plant more trees – so it’s win, win, win for us, you and the environment

Actually, it’s win, win, win, win for us, you, the environment and the community because every time you buy a tree from us we donate a % of the profits to fantastic causes (local and international pursuits in clean water, energy, food supply, sustainable agriculture and education projects. We also proudly support community and environmental group causes and local schools).  And we’ll continue implementing sustainable technologies and products and renewable energy systems into our growing facilities so we can grow more trees.  We put both the planet and our local community first and we’re walking the talk.    You contribute to these initiatives by partnering with us…… embrace the warm fuzzies and feel good about your purchase as you help us contribute to others and continue to grow more trees for our communities

Stock lists

We have gotten serious about growing advanced trees in addition to our standard 200mm spring ring natives, general hiko tube stock and 140mm native and wetlands plant range which also numbers in the hundreds of thousands.  But this is about trees…….  Stock and price lists attached. Please contact us for current availability as stock is changing regularly

To place an order or make an enquiry please contact us as below:

ACT  -  02 6262 6456

NSW  -  02 6492 7242