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Bushfire Recovery, Design and Planting Resource list

As the Bushfire season approaches, many of us are still deeply affected by the 2019 / 2020 catastrophic events and are still moving through the recovery process.  Life moves on and people get busy and preoccupied and when it’s not ‘in your face’ it’s often forgotten or ‘not real’.  Because this season looks more ‘favourable’ (though who can tell …..)  this is a timely reminder that we must not become complacent in taking action towards a new way of thinking and approaching Bushfire and Climate Change because the science says the issues are not going away without urgent action. 

We need to change our behaviours and policies at a personal, local and National level.  It’s hard for many people to know where to start with designing, renovating, adapting and planting our gardens and landscapes and given our changed climate we need to educate ourselves on a whole new way of responding to climate, landscape and lifestyle. 

Information relating to Bushfire topics such as design, species selection and soil recovery are abundant but trawling through it all may become overwhelming.  We want to help make it easier and get these public resources out there so more people can play their part through self-education. 

The resources below are cherry picked in no particular order nor with any leaning.  Some are scientific reports and others from a permaculture perspective. Thanks to Warwick Bone and John Champagne, fellow permaculturalists.  Please read on and grow your knowledge, share widely, and do your part for making our communities safer and our landscapes more appropriate