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Van Lang Village Multi units & Nexus Multi units, Harrison ACT

Project Name:Nirvana Van Lang Village Multi units, Harrison ACT

Project type:Plant supply, Softscaping, Maintenance

Completion date + duration Completed:October 2014 / Duration: 6 months

Project description:Carry out landscaping during construction to the Nirvana Van Lang Multi Units as per the landscape design including a 13 week maintenance period.

Project Value:$118,000

Qty of plants supplied:2,000

Project location:Harrison ACT

Client:Village Housing

Client contact (referee):Mark Azzopardi – 6242 3400;

Liquidated damages + Current litigation: NIL

Environmental management + Safety Record:No accidents or incidents; No environmental management issues

Provincial Personnel Lisa Roberts: Lisa Roberts: Project Manager, David Charlton: Nursery Director. Justin Hurley-Ley: Operations Manager, Luke Powell: Landscape Manager, Megan Brady: Quality Manager