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Acacia boormanii

Plant name: Snowy river wattle

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, VIC.

Cultural notes: Adaptable to a range of climates and soils provided they are free draining. Prefers full sun or light shade.

Maintenance: Can be pruned to maintain shape and promote bushy growth. A low maintainence plant.

Tolerates: Tolerant of frost and drought.

Flowering season: Late winter and spring.

Flower colour: Profuse bright yellow ball-shaped flowers are borne from the phyllode axils. They are pleasantly scented. Seed pods are brown in colour, to 10cm in length.

Foliage colour: Long narrow phyllodes are grey-green in colour and grow to 6cm long.

Width: Up to 3m

Height: Up to 4m

Plant spacing: 150cm apart

Recommended uses: A very attractive feature plant when in flower.

Description: A rounded bushy shrub growing to 4m in height and 3m in width. Profuse golden-yellow ball-shaped flowers are produced in spring. Grey-green phyllodes are long and narrow. A spectacular plant when in flower.