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Acacia mearnsii

Plant name: Black wattle

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS, SA.

Cultural notes: A hardy plant that adapts to most soil types. Grow in full sun or part shade.

Maintenance: Can suffer serious damage from borers.

Tolerates: Tolerant of frost, drought and poor soils.

Flowering season: Spring.

Flower colour: Creamy yellow ball-shaped flower heads in clusters.

Foliage colour: Dark green bipinnate foliage with fine downy hairs. One of the Acacia species that retains bipannate foliage throughout its life.

Width: Up to 4m

Height: Up to 20m

Plant spacing: 200cm apart

Recommended uses: A useful pioneer revegetation species, good for erosion control, soil improver through nitrogen fixing. A handy fast growing screen or windbreak.

Description: A fast growing medium sized tree growing to 20m in height. The bipinnate foliage is dark green on top, paler underneath, with fine downy hairs. Creamy yellow ball-shaped flowers in spring.