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Acacia rubida

Plant name: Red leaved wattle

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, ACT, VIC, QLD.

Cultural notes: Very hardy, a good pioneer species for disturbed sites. Adaptable to most soils, prefers a sunny position.

Maintenance: Little or no maintenance is required. Can be pruned after flowering to maintain shape.

Tolerates: Tolerant of frost, drought, temporary inundation.

Flowering season: Late winter and spring.

Flower colour: Golden yellow ball shaped flowers occuring in clusters. The fruit are brown pods.

Foliage colour: Narrow leathery phyllodes are green to blue-green and up to 20cm in length. Juvenile foliage is bipinnate and can often be seen on mature plants.

Width: Up to 3m

Height: Up to 9m

Plant spacing: 200cm apart

Recommended uses: Useful for situations where little or no maintainence is possible i.e. roadsides and median strips. Improves soil by fixing nitrogen. Bird and insect attractant.

Description: A bushy shrub or small tree with deep red, angular stems and reddish foliage in winter. Bright yellow ball shaped flowers occuring in clusters.