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Acer fremanii ‘Jeffesred-Autumn Blaze’

Plant name: Lipstick maple

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A fast-growing, medium to large deciduous tree that is known for its luscious autumn colours. This tree has maple shaped leaves that turn a bright red in autumn and has dark grey-brown bark. Can grow up to 13 metres with an oval-shaped canopy.

Origin: Originally Cultivated in Northern America.

Cultural notes: Low maintenance plant. Prune tree when panting to create new growth.

Tolerates: Is adaptable to dry and cool climates. Tolerates most sites, both wet and dry as well as frost hardy.

Flowering type and season: Rarely Flowers.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is a traditional maple shape and a rich green in summer, turning bright lipstick red in early autumn.

Soil type: Ideally well-draining, moist soil. Prefers acidic soils.

Width: Up to 10m

Height: Up to 13m

Recommended uses: A great tree to create shaded areas. Good for parkland, gardens or streetscapes. Works as a great feature tree because of the luscious colours produced in autumn.