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Acer palmatum

Plant name: Japanese maple

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A small to medium tree growing to 6 metres. Can often have multiple trunks joining closer to the base with smooth bark. The canopy matures into a dome-like shape. This species can range in size, colour, foliage shape and size and other traits depending on the cultivator.

Origin: Japan, Korea, and China

Cultural notes: Very adaptable to different climate conditions. Full sun to part shade. Fertilise when planting. If pruning is necessary, do so in a dormant period, avoid spring for this reason.

Tolerates: Frost tolerant.

Flowering season: Rarely blooms.

Flower type and colour: Small red flowers, often unnoticed.

Foliage type and colour: Usually comes as a five to seven lobed palmate leaf. A light green colour in spring, turning into a range of yellows, oranges, and reds through autumn.

Soil type: Easily grown in moist, rich, slightly acidic soil, well-draining soils preferred.

Width: Up to 4m

Height: Up to 6m

Recommended uses: A great feature tree due to the variety of colours can produce. Good tree to use in gardens or as avenue trees.