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Acer rubrum ‘October Glory’

Plant name: Red maple

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A medium to large maple, growing up to 12 metres with ascending branches. It gets its name for its uniform growth, allowing the tree to produce striking coloured foliage through autumn. When young, the bark is a dark grey, turning red on thinner branches. This can become darker through maturity and develop long fissures. Canopy grows into an oval shape.

Origin: Originally cultivated in North America.

Cultural notes: Low maintenance tree. Water in well and fertilise when planting, water regularly as tree establishes. Prune the tree when planting to encourage new growth.

Tolerates: Can withstand full sun. This tree is frost and drought tolerant.

Flowering type and season: Rarely flower.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage shape has three to five palmate lobes and serrated edges. A rich green throughout summer, turning a dark orange/red through autumn. Foliage is toxic to horses, consider this if applicable.

Soil type: Slightly acidic soils will help colours develop, though can handle most soil types. Ideally, well-draining and well worked soil.

Width: Up to 9m

Height: Up to 12m

Recommended uses: Fantastic decorative tree due to the rich colours throughout autumn. Perfect for streetscapes, avenues, gardens or parks.