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Allocasuarina verticillata

Plant name: Drooping she-oak

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: This native tree is medium-sized with a conical shape and pendulous or drooping branches. This tree is known for its use through indigenous communities as food, medicine and for making tools. A great tree for shade creation or screening purposes.

Origin: Australia, SA.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun and is low maintenance. When planting, water in well. Keep soil moist until the tree is established. This tree is great for coastal areas as it tolerates coastal conditions.

Tolerates: Will tolerate drought and heavy frost. Salty soils are also tolerable.

Flowering type and season: Flowers in autumn and winter. Flowers are in colours of yellow and red and develop into cones that are round to barrel-shaped with a serrated surface.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is a long thin branchlet shape and has a silver-green colouring. This tree is evergreen which means the foliage will be present all year round.

Soil type: Well-draining, moist soil preferred. Many soil types are tolerated including sandy and clay. Is tolerant of varying pH levels.

Width: Up to 5m

Height: Up to 9m

Recommended uses: This tree works well for informal screening. It is also a great shade creator; this makes it for parklands or garden spaces.