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Austrodanthonia eriantha

Plant name: Hill wallaby grass

Plant type: native and ornamental grasses

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet


Cultural notes: Full sun or part shade, prefers well-drained soils.

Maintenance: Cutting back or mowing periodically will encourage new growth.

Tolerates: Frost and drought tolerant.

Flowering season: Late spring to early summer.

Flower colour: The greenish with yellow anthers. The flowerhead is made up of spikelets and is between 20 and 70mm long. Bristle or awn to 15mm long.

Foliage colour: Blue-green, yellow in dry conditions.

Width: Up to 0.3m

Height: Up to 0.7m

Plant spacing: 30cm apart

Recommended uses: Feature plant, revegetation or underplanting of trees. Native lawn.

Description: Tufted perennial, dense and erect.