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Austrodanthonia longifolia

Plant name: Long leaf wallaby grass

Plant type: native and ornamental grasses

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, QLD, TAS, VIC.

Cultural notes: Adaptable to most soils, will tolerate shade but at its best in full sun.

Maintenance: Remove spent seed heads and trim foliage to encourage new growth.

Tolerates: Drought and frost tolerant.

Flowering season: Spring, Summer, Autumn.

Flower colour: Delicate, cream-coloured flowers occurring in spikelets up to 15cm long. Flowers are displayed above the foliage.

Foliage colour: Long, slender green foliage.

Width: Up to 50cm

Height: Up to 1m

Plant spacing: 50cm apart

Recommended uses: Use single plants as an accent or group together as a feature planting. Commonly used in rockeries.

Description: A tufting perennial grass with long slender foliage. Cream flower heads are held above the foliage.