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Austrostipa densiflora

Plant name: Brush tail spear grass

Plant type: native and ornamental grasses

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, VIC, QLD, SA.

Cultural notes: Prefers free-draining gravelly soils in full sun or part shade.

Maintenance: Cut back periodically.

Tolerates: Tolerant of drought, frost and low nutrient soils provided they are free draining.

Flowering season: September to January

Flower colour: Flower heads are up to 30cm long and dense with white to golden feathery hairs.

Foliage colour: Green with fine soft hairs on leaves and stem nodes. Leaves 5mm wide and up to 45cm long, tapering to a point.

Width: Up to 0.2m

Height: Up to 1m

Plant spacing: 30cm apart

Recommended uses: In rockeries or as accent plants in garden beds.

Description: Erect tufted, perennial grass. Foliage to 20cm in Height. Attractive, dense seed heads with feathery hairs are held well above the foliage.