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Baumea rubiginosa

Plant name: Soft twig rush

Plant type: sedges / rushes / wetland plants

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet


Cultural notes: Naturally occurs in swampy areas with low nutrient soils. Full sun or part shade.

Maintenance: Requires regular water.

Tolerates: Tolerant of frosts, inundation, low nutrient soils, poor water quality.

Flowering season: Can flower year round.

Flower colour: Dense flower spikes of reddish brown flowers.

Foliage colour: Bright green leaves often orange-brown towards the tips.

Width: Up to 0.5m

Height: Up to 1m

Water depth: Aquatic to 0.25m

Plant spacing: 20cm apart

Recommended uses: Useful for wetland revegetation.

Description: Rhizomatous perennial. Compressed ribbon like green leaves. Inflorescence reddish brown clusters of spikelets.