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Cistus landaniferus

Plant name: Gum rock rose

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Origin: EUROPE

Cultural notes: Well-drained soils preferably in full sun, and water regularly until established.

Maintenance: Can be pruned to promote a bushy habit.

Tolerates: Drought and can tolerate frosts.

Flowering season: Spring.

Flower colour: White flower with a yellow centre and red dots on each petal.

Foliage colour: Green leaves with a grey underside.

Width: Up to 1.5m

Height: Up to 1m

Plant spacing: 100cm apart

Recommended uses: Would work well in rockeries, pots etc. The plant is also used for the productions of Cistus oils.

Description: A flowering plant from Spain, Portugal and other parts of Europe. Solitary white flowers with yellow and red patches, a plant that does well in full sunlight.