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Correa alba

Plant name: White correa

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

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Cultural notes: A very hardy plant naturally occurring in coastal areas. Grow in full sun or part shade in well-drained soils.

Maintenance: Can be pruned to maintain shape.

Tolerates: Very resistant to salt spray, frost tolerant, drought tolerant once established.

Flowering season: Late autumn and winter. Can flower most of the year depending on climate.

Flower colour: Starry white flowers. A pink flowering variety is also available. The flower is open, unlike most correa species.

Foliage colour: Grey-green rounded leaves with short hairs on the underside.

Width: Up to 2m

Height: Up to 1.5m

Plant spacing: 100cm apart Can be used as a hedge plant.

Recommended uses: Very handy in coastal gardens due to its salt tolerance. Can be used as a hedge plant.

Description: Dense rounded shrub to growing to 1.5m in Height and 2m in Width. Attractive rounded grey-green leaves and starry white flowers.