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Eucalyptus bicostata

Plant name: Eurabbie

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, VIC.

Cultural notes: Requires a sunny position, preferably in moist reasonably fertile soils. Will tolerate dryer conditions once established.

Maintenance: Juvenile foliage is susceptible to damage by caterpillars.

Tolerates: Tolerant of frost and drought once established.

Flowering season: Spring and summer.

Flower colour: Creamy white to yellow flowers followed by bell-shaped, greyish-white fruit.

Foliage colour: The long, glossy dark green adult leaves are curved and lanceolate. Juvenile foliage is silvery blue.

Width: Up to 10m

Height: Up to 45m

Plant spacing: 4cm apart

Recommended uses: Useful as a shade tree in colder climates.

Description: A tall tree growing to 45m in height. Smooth white or blue-grey bark and dark green leaves to 30cm in length. Fast-growing.