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Eucalyptus bridgesiana

Plant name: Apple box

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A medium-sized tree that grows to 25 metres in height. Course grey fibrous bark on the trunk and larger branches. Glossy dark green lance-shaped leaves to 20cm long and white flowers occurring in summer.

Origin: NSW, ACT, Vic, Qld.

Cultural notes: Prefers well-drained, fertile soils in a sunny position. This tree is wildlife attracting.

Tolerates: Tolerant of drought and frost.

Flowering type and season: This tree flowers in summer. Flower buds are egg-shaped on short stalks and in clusters. They open up into white flowers. The fruit is large and hemispherical, with 3 projecting valves.

Foliage type and colour: The adult foliage is glossy dark green and lanceolate, growing to 20cm in length. Juvenile foliage is heart-shaped and occurs in opposite pairs.

Soil type: Prefers well-draining, moist soil. Loamy soils and clay soils are best.

Width: Up to 15m

Height: Up to 25m

Recommended uses: Great tree for creating shade or as a windbreak.