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Eucalyptus mannifera

Plant name: Brittlegum, manna gum

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, ACT, VIC.

Cultural notes: Found naturally in poorer, well-drained soils. This species prefers an open sunny position.

Maintenance: As the common name brittle gum suggests, the wood is quite brittle and this species will occasionally drop branches. Responds well to coppicing.

Tolerates: Tolerant of frost, drought and poor soils.

Flowering season: Summer and autumn although the flowering season can differ depending on the climate.

Flower colour: Clusters of small white flowers from green club-shaped buds. The fruit are dark brown, three valved capsules.

Foliage colour: Grey-green lanceolate leaves, prominantly veined, to 12cm in length.

Width: Up to 5m

Height: Up to 20m

Plant spacing: 300cm apart

Recommended uses: A handsome tree with an attractive white trunk. Medium sized, it is suitable for many gardens or as a street tree. Care must be taken as to its placement due to its tendency to drop branches unpredictably. Bee attractant.

Description: A medium sized tree growing to 20m. The bark is smooth to ground level and powdery white mottled with grey. It turns shades of pink, red or orange in late spring or summer and sheds in short ribbons. Grey-green lance-shaped leaves and small white flowers.