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Eucalyptus melliodora

Plant name: Yellowbox

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A medium to large-sized tree, growing to 30m with an oval-shaped canopy. A broad crown to 25m in width. The branches often have a gnarled twisting form. The lower bark is rough and flaky, brownish, tinged with yellow near the base, smooth and pale on the upper trunk and branches.

Origin: NSW, ACT, Vic, Qld.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun or part shade. Hardy in most soils. Bee and wildlife attractant.

Tolerates: Frost and drought tolerant.

Flowering type and season: Flowers in spring and summer. Profuse creamy-white, very occasionally pink, flowers appear from club-shaped buds. Fruit is hemispherical with 4 or 5 valves.

Foliage type and colour: The adult foliage can vary from light green to a blueish-grey, leaves are lanceolate to 14cm. Juvenile foliage is ovate to 11cm.

Soil type: Well-draining, moist soil is preferred. Is tolerant of most soil types. Can tolerate times of waterlogging.

Width: Up to 25m

Height: Up to 30m

Recommended uses: A good tree for large gardens and parks.