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Eucalyptus rubida

Full Grown Eucalyptus rubida

Plant name: Candlebark / Ribbon gum

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: Eucalyptus rubida, known as a Candlebark / Ribbon gum, is a medium to large evergreen tree with an oval-shaped canopy with grey-green foliage. It has creamy white bark which is smooth in texture, in summer, this flakes off and patches of reds and pinks appear on its surface.

Origin: Australia, South East and Tasmania.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun. When planting, water in well and keep the soil moist until the tree is established. Low maintenance and attracts wildlife.

Tolerates: Tolerates some drought.

Flowering type and season: Flowering occurs in summer with small, white fluffy flowers appearing around the tree. These flowers are big bee attractors.

Foliage type and colour: The foliage is rounded and goes from blue-grey to blue-green as it matures. The foliage has a significant fragrance to it.

Soil type:  Prefers well-draining, moist soils. Can tolerate most soil types and pH levels. Doesn’t cope with compacted soil.

Width: Up to 9m

Height: Up to 30m

Recommended uses: Eucalyptus rubida is a great feature tree for larger gardens or parklands as it creates lots of shade.

Oval Canopy for Eucalyptus rubida    Full Sun for Eucalyptus rubida    Eucalyptus rubida is wildlife attracting    Easy Care    Drought Hardy    Medium Water