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Ficinea (Isolepsis) nodosa

Plant name: Knobby club rush

Plant type: sedges / rushes / wetland plants

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet


Cultural notes: Tough, fast-growing and very hardy. Will grow in full sun or part shade and either wet or dry conditions in most soil types.

Maintenance: May be pruned annually to maintain upright structure

Tolerates: Drought & frost, and will also tolerate salty spray, waterlogged areas and saline soils.

Flowering season: Spring to summer.

Flower colour: Brown spherical head, 2cm from tip of the leaf.

Foliage colour: Strong linear foliage with bottle green, long tubular leaf blades.

Width: Up to 0.7m

Height: Up to 1.5m

Water depth: Edges and marshland.

Plant spacing: 50cm apart for mass planting.

Recommended uses: Ornamental grass ideal planting around ponds and adds texture and colour to seaside gardens, water features. Also used in revegetation and suitable as edging or a border plant for beds or paths. Looks best when mass planted.

Description: Reed like tussock grass with upright form and strong architectural shape.