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Grevillea ‘Bronze Rambler’

Plant name: Grevillea 'Bronze Rambler'

Plant type: groundcovers / climbers

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet


Cultural notes: Very vigorous and hardy. Adaptable to a range of soils provided they are well-drained, grow in full sun or part shade.

Maintenance: Can be pruned if required.

Tolerates: Frost and drought tolerant.

Flowering season: Spring, summer and autumn.

Flower colour: Deep red toothbrush shaped flowers.

Foliage colour: Dark green dissected or deeply lobed leaves, new growth is tinged with bronze.

Width: Up to 4m

Height: Up to 0.3m

Recommended uses: Fast growing groundcover for banks, walls and other difficult sites. Attractive foliage and flowers, can be used indoor or out in pots or hanging baskets.

Description: Thought to be a hybrid of Grevillea rivularis and Grevillea 'Poorinda Peter'. A dense groundcover spreading up to 4m.