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Grevillea lanigera ‘Mt Tamboritha’

Plant name: Grevillea lanigera 'Mt Tamboritha'

Plant type: groundcovers / climbers

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW. VIC.

Cultural notes: A very hardy plant that prefers a sunny position and well-drained soils in cooler climates. Dislikes humidity.

Maintenance: Can be pruned to maintain shape.

Tolerates: Frost and drought tolerant.

Flowering season: Late winter and spring.

Flower colour: Red or cream flowers occur in spider-like clusters.

Foliage colour: Narrow oblong shaped leaves are dark green but fine white hairs give them a greyish, woolly appearance.

Width: Up to 1.5m

Height: Up to 0.3m

Plant spacing: 100cm apart

Recommended uses: An attractive groundcover often used in rockeries. More compact than many of the other prostrate Grevilleas.

Description: A dense groundcover spreading to 1.5m. Narrow leaves are grey-green and finely haired, giving them a soft woolly appearance. Flowers are spider-like clusters and can be red or pinkish-cream.