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Indigofera australis

Plant name: Austral indigo

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: All Australian states.

Cultural notes: A hardy plant that adapts to full sun or full shade and flowers well in both. It is not fussy about soils provided they are well-drained.

Maintenance: Should be pruned from an early age to encourage an attractive shape. Can be pruned quite hard but pruning into old wood should be avoided.

Tolerates: Frost and drought tolerant once established.

Flowering season: Late winter, spring, early summer.

Flower colour: Mauve pink pea style flowers occur in long heads.

Foliage colour: Blue-green pinnate leaves to 10cm in length with a soft, velvety texture.

Width: Up to 2m

Height: Up to 2m

Plant spacing: 50cm apart

Recommended uses: An attractive shrub that is under-utilised as a garden plant.

Description: An open spreading shrub growing to 2m in height and width. Blue-grey foliage and sprays of mauve-pink pea-shaped flowers in spring are a feature of this plant.