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Jacaranda mimosifolia

Plant name: Jacaranda

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: The Jacaranda is a beautiful medium-sized deciduous tree with ascending branches, known for its purple flowing bloom in the summertime. Through winter the foliage will turn yellow before falling.

Origin: South America.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun, is somewhat drought tolerant and can handle periods of wet weather. It grows well in warmer climates as it does not do well in frost or freezing temperatures.

Tolerates: Can tolerate periods of drought.

Flowering type and season: A stunning purple bloom in summer. The flowers appear in clusters of bell-shaped pods encompassing the tree.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is green and fern-like, growing up to 20 inches in length. Depending on the climate, this tree can be semi-evergreen or deciduous.

Soil type: Neutral to acidic soil. Sandy, well-draining soil is preferred.

Width: Up to 9m

Height: Up to 15m

Recommended uses: Because of its beautiful purple bloom, this is an ideal feature tree. Great for a larger garden or streetscape or avenue.