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Juglans hindsii

Plant name: Walnut

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

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Description: A deciduous medium-sized tree growing up to 15 metres, will often branch out creating a wide canopy that sometimes spans larger than the height of the tree itself. The trunk is often very thick, reaching up to 1.8 metres in diameter. The foliage has a feather-like appearance with a shade of dark green to light yellow or golden green.

Origin: California, Northern America.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun, avoid shade when planting this tree. This tree grows deep roots so prefers ample permeable soil.

Tolerates: Tolerates a variety of soils and pH levels. Through enjoying moist soil, can tolerate drought.

Flowering type and season: White and green, flowers in spring. This tree is monoecious, meaning both sexes of flowers can be found on the same plant. Produces a nut with a hard outer shell.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage colour spans from deep green to light golden-green or yellow-green, in a pinnately compound, meaning the leaves resemble the shape of a feather.

Soil type: Will tolerate clay and sandy soils. Varying pH can be tolerated, prefers well-draining soils.

Width: Up to 15m

Height: Up to 15m

Recommended uses: Fantastic for shade coverage due to its wide canopy. Suitable for larger gardens or parkland.