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Lagerstroemia indica ‘Biloxi’

Plant name: Crepe myrtle pale pink

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: Known for its clusters of frilly pink flowers. This is a deciduous tree that only grows to a small height in a Vase-like shape. A perfect tree for smaller gardens.

Origin: South China, Korea, India.

Cultural notes: Pruning regularly will help promote further flowering. Prefers full sun with well-draining soil. Steer away from planting near waterways due to the littering from the tree.

Tolerates: Tolerates drought once established. Tolerant of constricted roots, works well in small areas. This tree grows well in coastal areas, being tolerant to sandy and salty conditions.

Flowering type and season: Flowers come in bundles or clusters of small crinkled petals. They are a dusty pink colour and flower through spring and summer.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is a bright green and will turn a copper-orange colour in autumn.

Soil type: Rich with humus soil that is well-draining is preferred. Can tolerate most pH levels.

Width: Up to 5m

Height: Up to 8m

Recommended uses: This tree is a fantastic feature tree due to its beautiful flowering. It was well in small gardens or nature strips because of its smaller size.