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Lagerstroemia indica ‘Sioux’

Plant name: Crepe myrtle (pink)

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A small deciduous V-shaped tree that produces a large and lengthy array of pink flower coverage over summer and autumn. Foliage is a luscious green fading into yellows and oranges through autumn. This tree has a feature bark that has a peeled look to it. A perfect feature tree as a result of these beautiful displays of colour.

Origin: South China, Korea, India.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun to part shade. Keep moist until established. Prune back in winter for more vigorous growth.

Tolerates: Tolerant of sandy and salty conditions making it ideal for coastal areas. Resistant to mildew. Can tolerate drought and frost once established.

Flowering type and season: Flowering beautiful pink frilly flowers that sit in big clusters around the canopy. Flowers summer and autumn.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is deep green, turning yellow and orange tones through autumn before falling.

Soil type: Prefers humus-rich soil that is well-draining though can tolerate most soil types, pH soil preferred.

Width: Up to 5m

Height: Up to 6m

Recommended uses: A great feature tree for a small to large garden. Works well for streetscapes or avenues. A good shade maker. These trees grow well in containers, so can be used in areas with restricted soil availability.