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Leptospermum lanigerum

Plant name: Woolly tea tree

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet


Cultural notes: Moderate growth rate, long-lived and very hardy. Will grow in full sun or part shade in most soil conditions.

Maintenance: Can be pruned annually to shape or tip prune to encourage bushy growth.

Tolerates: Drought and frost.

Flowering season: Summer.

Flower colour: Prolific white 5-petalled circular (15mm) flowers followed by small, woody fruits containing many seeds. The fruit remains unopened on the plant until they are removed or the plant dies.

Foliage colour: Attractive grey oblong to narrow leaves with downy texture on new growth

Width: Up to 2m

Height: Up to 3m

Plant spacing: 200cm apart to 400cm for specimen planting, 100-200cm for mass planting

Recommended uses: Specimen plant, also attractive hedging and screening and can be shaped into a more formal hedge, pond edges and bog gardens. It provides an excellent habitat for wildlife. Also excellent in controlling erosion in creeks and gullies.

Description: Large erect dense shrub or small tree with small white flowers. Smooth bark and often silvery new growth.