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Liriope muscari ‘stripy white’

Plant name: Liriope stripy white

Plant type: strappy leaf / native lilies


Cultural notes: Does best in well drained but can still do well in poorer soil, full sun or part shade.

Maintenance: Trim back to promote new growth.

Tolerates: Will withstand drought and heat, light frosts.

Flowering season: Late spring through to summer.

Flower colour: Purple flowers, berries will appear later.

Foliage colour: Broad strappy leaves that are green in the middle, with pale green-white edges.

Width: Up to 0.4m

Height: Up to 0.4

Plant spacing: 0.5m

Recommended uses: Are great as mass plantings, pots, feature plants, berries that attract birds and insects.

Description: An evergreen clumping perennial grass with strappy leaves. Perfect for a tight clumping effect as a border or planted among other plants.