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Lomatia myrocoides

Plant name: Long leaf lomatia

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, ACT, VIC.

Cultural notes: A hardy plant that is adaptable to a range of climates and soils provided they have reasonable drainage. They prefer dappled sun to full shade.

Tolerates: Tolerant of frost, snow and occasional inundation.

Flowering season: Summer.

Flower colour: The flowers are generally cream in colour but occasionally pale pink varieties can be seen. They are borne on spikes to 15cm in length. arising from the leaf axils.

Foliage colour: Narrow, dull green leaves to 20cm long with pointed tips and a few teeth along the margins.

Width: Up to 3m

Height: Up to 5m

Plant spacing: 100cm apart

Recommended uses: A hardy shrub with attractive flowers. A useful plant for shady areas.

Description: An open shrub or small tree growing to a height of 5m and spreading 3m. Narrow lance-shaped leaves to 15cm in length and short sprays of cream or pink flowers in summer.