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Melaleuca ericifolia

Plant name: Swamp paperbark

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

Origin: NSW, ACT, VIC, TAS.

Cultural notes: As it names suggests this plant does best in moist areas like wetlands and bogs in full sun.

Maintenance: This species can self seed and tends to colonise an area if not restricted.

Tolerates: Frost tolerant, drought tolerant once established.

Flowering season: Spring and summer.

Flower colour: Produces creamy white flowers, similarly to that of Callistemons.

Foliage colour: Varying green coloured foliage.

Width: Up to 2m

Height: Up to 8m

Plant spacing: 300cm apart

Recommended uses: Useful as a fast growing hedge or screen.

Description: A tall tree that’s dense foliage can be used for a screen or hedge while also producing beautiful white flowers.