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Olea europaea ‘Frantoio’

Plant name: Olive - Frantoio

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A small-sized evergreen tree with glossy green leaves and a dense canopy in maturity. This tree produces large amounts of olive fruit, often used in olive oil production. This tree is known for growing in a tree shape. The bushy shapes of other olive varieties. can be used as a shading device or feature tree as well as for its fruit production.

Origin: Italy.

Cultural notes: Prefer full sun, does best in milder climates. Grows well in coastal regions. Long periods of hot, dry conditions will encourage fruit production. Can be grown in pots. Can be pruned for size and shape maintenance.

Tolerates: Tolerates some drought, some frost and coastal conditions. Hardy and low maintenance. Will attract wildlife.

Flowering type and season: Small white/cream clusters of flowers are produced in late spring. These are monoecious, meaning they are both male and female.

Foliage type and colour: Evergreen with a glossy dark green topside and silver-green toned underside foliage.

Soil type: Well-draining soil. Will tolerate poorer soil quality, does not like waterlogging or ‘wet feet’.

Width: Up to 3m

Height: Up to 6m

Recommended uses: Can be used as a specimen tree or a screening device. Can be grown in pots meaning it is great for courtyards or anywhere with limited soil.