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Phragmites australis

Plant name: Common reed

Plant type: sedges / rushes / wetland plants

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet


Cultural notes: Full sun, boggy conditions, long lived, very hardy.

Maintenance: Prune to remove dead material and to promote new growth.

Tolerates: Inundations and dry periods.

Flowering season: Spring.

Flower colour: Green to purplish-brown and silvery-white when mature.

Foliage colour: Green, with hairy clasps that join main stem.

Height: Up to 6m

Plant spacing: 50cm apart

Recommended uses: Used for edging dams and waterways to help with bank stabilisation. Also provides habitat for water birds and can be used as a feature plant or for mass plantings.

Description: Tough reed, great for large pond/creek plantings.