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Poa helmsii

Plant name: Broadleaf snow grass

Plant type: Native and ornamental grasses

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, VIC

Cultural notes: Fast growing and very hardy and long-lived. Will grow in full sun or part shade in most soil conditions.

Maintenance: May be pruned to remove spent seed heads (usually late winter) and to encourage new growth.

Tolerates: Drought and frost hardy.

Flowering season: Summer.

Flower colour: 3 to 8 spikelets in a 35cm long inflorescence

Foliage colour: Light green broad linear leaves with a sheath and are strongly compressed and keeled upwards.

Height:  Up to 1.5m

Water depth: Edges and marshland.

Plant spacing: 30cm apart for mass planting.

Recommended uses: Ornamental grass ideal for landscaping, revegetation projects, best effect when mass planted.

Description: Coarse perennial tussock grass of wet areas along mountain stream or soakage areas.