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Poa labillardieri

Plant name: Common tussock-grass

Plant type: native and ornamental grasses

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW

Cultural notes: A robust plant that will thrive in full sun or part shade including growing well under Eucalyptus trees and either wet or dry conditions in a variety of soil types.

Maintenance: Clumps can be chopped back quite vigorously to encourage new growth.

Tolerates: Frost and cold to about -7C

Flowering season: Spring through to summer.

Flower colour: Pale green with cream seed heads.

Foliage colour: Grey-blue to dark green in winter & spring with fine narrow leaf blades. The clumps turn a pale straw colour in summer which can look quite dramatic.

Width: Up to 1m

Height: Up to 1m

Plant spacing: 50cm apart for mass plantings.

Recommended uses: Ideal for landscaping or revegetation projects. They appear quite spectacular and architectural when mass planted.

Description: Large ornamental grass of usually moist areas below 1500 and indigenous to Australia, which forms large tussocks to 1m high and wide.