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Poa poiformis

Plant name: Coast tussock grass ‘blue’

Plant type: native and ornamental grasses

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet


Cultural notes: Fast-growing and very hardy. Will grow in full sun or part shade and either wet or dry conditions in most soil types.

Maintenance: Can be pruned annually to remove spent seed heads (usually late summer) and to encourage new growth.

Tolerates: Drought and frost.

Flowering season: Spring and summer

Flower colour: Bears clusters of small green to yellow spikelets.

Foliage colour: Blue-grey foliage with inflorescences bearing clusters of large green to purple spikelets which appear in spring and summer. The leaf blades are smooth on the outer surface.

Width: Up to 1m

Height: Up to 1m

Plant spacing: 50cm apart for mass plantings and 1m apart for specimen plants.

Recommended uses: Feature planting or revegetation projects.

Description: Densely tufted perennial grass of coastal foreshores and estuaries.