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Prunus cerasifera ‘elvins’

Plant name: Ornamental plum 'Elvins'

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A small deciduous plum with a V-shaped canopy. The foliage has the colour of bright green through summer, turning rust-red in autumn. Through spring, there is a large production of pale pink double flowers that are present down the branches.

Origin: Africa, Asia.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun to part shade. This tree can grow in containers, suitable for areas with limited soil available.

Tolerates: Tolerant of frost once established.

Flowering type and season: Pale pink flowers cover the branches of the tree through spring.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is a bright green through summer and will turn rust-red through autumn before falling.

Soil type: Prefers well-draining soil. Most soil types and pH levels are appropriate.

Width: Up to 15m

Height: Up to 15m

Recommended uses: A perfect ornamental tree due to its size and bloom. Perfect for small gardens or courtyards as it can withstand contained soils. This tree works well in streetscapes and avenues.