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Pyrus calleryana ‘Aristocrat’

Plant name: Ornamental pear 'Aristocrat'

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A medium-sized deciduous tree with horizontal branches, the canopy shape ranges from conical to oval. White blossoms bloom in spring. In autumn, the foliage turns a beautiful array of seasonal colours. These factors make it a perfect specimen tree, great for ornamental purposes.

Origin: China, Vietnam.

Cultural notes: This tree does best in full sun. Pruning is not required.

Tolerates: Once established, this tree is quite tolerant to a range of conditions. It is drought, some frost and pollution tolerant.

Flowering type and season: White-pink blossoms appear in the springtime, covering much of the branches and canopy.

Foliage type and colour: Bright green coloured foliage that turns into colours from yellow to red through autumn before falling.

Soil type: Prefers well-draining soil, can tolerate most soil types and pH levels.

Width: Up to 7m

Height: Up to 11m

Recommended uses: Perfect for medium to large garden areas, streetscapes and parkland.