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Pyrus calleryana ‘Cleveland select’

Plant name: Pyrus calleryana 'Cleveland select'

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A small to a medium-size deciduous tree with a conical shape and a dense canopy. This is a perfect feature tree due to its clusters of small white flowers produced in spring, followed by small brown fruit. In autumn, the foliage will turn colours of red and purple.

Origin: China, Vietnam.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun to part shade. The best time to fertilise is springtime. Prune back in winter is needed. This tree is a wildlife attractant.

Tolerates: Tolerates pollution and is wind resistant. Once establish will be drought tolerant.

Flowering type and season: Clusters of small, white flowers appear in springtime, followed by small brown fruit.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is deep green, turning colours orange, red and purple through autumn before falling.

Soil type: Well-draining soil is preferred. Is adaptable to most soil types.

Width: Up to 6m

Height: Up to 10m

Recommended uses: Ideal for narrow spaces due to their shape. Perfect feature tree that will work for small gardens, streetscapes and avenues.