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Quercus coccinea

Plant name: Scarlet oak

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: This is a medium-sized deciduous oak with a conical shape when young, growing into a rounded shape with broad, horizontal branches. Often used as a feature tree due to the beautiful colours of foliage through autumn.

Origin: Eastern North America.

Cultural notes: Full sun to part shape preferred. When planting, water in well and keep the soil moist until the tree is established.

Tolerates: This tree is frost tolerant as well as tolerating most soil conditions. Is tolerant of quite dry soil conditions.

Flowering type and season: Insignificant, small clusters of green flowers known as catkins appear in spring. These are followed by acorns in summer.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is dark green with a glossy coat. These turn a gorgeous bright red in the autumntime.

Soil type: Well-draining soil preferred. Is tolerated of most soil types such as clay and sand.

Width: Up to 20m

Height: Up to 15m

Recommended uses: A fantastic feature tree due to its beautiful Autumnal colours. Great for streetscapes, avenues and parklands. Medium-sized garden preferred.