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Quercus lusitanica

Plant name: Gall Oak

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: This is a medium to large oak which can become semi-evergreen if situated in warmer climates. This tree has a wide-spreading canopy and brown-grey bark that has a cracked texture.

Origin: Spain, Morocco, Portugal and Galicia.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun, will grow in part shade until mature. Use good mulch to keep the root system cool and moist.

Tolerates: Tolerant to frost and drought.

Flowering type and season: Small, insignificant clusters of flowers called catkins appear in spring. This is followed by acorn fruits.

Foliage type and colour: Glossy deep green foliage throughout spring and summer. Will turn yellow through autumn and won’t fall until well into winter.

Soil type: Well-draining moist soil. Can withstand most soil pH levels.

Width: Up to 12m

Height: Up to 16m

Recommended uses: Excellent tree for creating shade. The Gall oak will work well in parkland.