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Quercus suber

Plant name: Cork oak

Plant type: advanced / deciduous trees

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Description: A medium-sized tree with a rounded canopy and a widespread. It has a short trunk and corky bark which can be stripped from the tree once it has reached 20 years, this process can occur every 6-8 years.

Origin: Southwest Europe, Northwest Africa.

Cultural notes: Prefers full sun. When planting, water in well and keep the soil moist until established.

Tolerates: Once established, this tree is tolerant of drought.

Flowering type and season: This tree is monecious, meaning there are both female and male flowers on the same tree, these appear in spring. Female flowers are upright stalks. Male flowers are bunches called catkins, which droop. These will be bright red, turning yellow. The flowers will mature into acorns.

Foliage type and colour: Foliage is a shiny green colour with a soft white underside. Leaves are oval-oblong in shape and about 3-7 cm long, growing in an alternate shape along the stems.

Soil type: Well-draining, moist soil is preferred. Tolerant of most soil types.

Width: Up to 9m

Height: Up to 10m

Recommended uses: This tree produces cork as its bark, making it a great feature tree. It can also be used in parklands or larger gardens to create shade.