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Schoenoplectus validus

Plant name: River club rush

Plant type: sedges / rushes / wetland plants

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, SA, WA.

Cultural notes: Naturally occurs at the edge of still or slow-flowing water. Requires wet soils in full sun. Quick to establish after planting.

Maintenance Requires consistent water. Remove dead material if required.

Tolerates Frost tolerant.

Flowering season: Summer and autumn.

Flower colour: Reddish brown flower spikelets in loose clusters.

Foliage colour: The most visible part of this plant are the blue-green stems. The true leaves are grey-brown and papery, sheathing the stems at the base of the plant.

Width: Up to 1m

Height: Up to 2m

Water depth: Edges and marshland.

Plant spacing: 30cm apart

Recommended uses: Good for preventing bank erosion, provides habitat for birds, attractive in ponds and water features.

Description: A robust perennial wetland plant with course, erect stems and grass-like foliage. Grows to 2m in height.