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Themeda australis

Plant name: Kangaroo grass

Plant type: native and ornamental grasses

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet


Cultural notes: Full sun or part shade, most soil conditions, likes dry conditions, will die back in frost, fast growing, long lived, very hardy.

Maintenance: Can be pruned to remove spent seed heads in late winter and to encourage new growth.

Tolerates Drought conditions.

Flowering season: Spring to summer.

Flower colour: Bunches of nodding inflorescences on slender stems.

Foliage colour: Mid green with maroon flushes in the warmer months, somewhat flattened leafy shoots at the base of the plant.

Height: Up to 0.4m

Plant spacing: 30cm apart

Recommended uses: Ornamental grass is ideal for landscaping or revegetation and ideal for rockeries.

Description: Densely tufted small perennial tussock forming grass with attractive seed heads.