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Tristaniopsis laurina

Plant name: Water gum

Plant type: shrubs / bushes / trees

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Description: Formerly known as Tristania laurina, this is a medium-sized tree growing to 15m. The canopy forms a dense cone-shape of glossy dark green leaves, beginning quite low to the ground. Small but conspicuous yellow flowers are produced in summer.

Origin: NSW, Qld, Vic.

Cultural notes: Naturally occurring in moist areas, along riverbanks and in rainforest openings, this species prefers moist soils and requires watering during dry periods. Will tolerate full sun but prefers some shade.

Tolerates: Tolerant of frost and damp conditions.

Flowering type and season: Flowing in summer. Clusters of small, nectar-rich yellow flowers occur in the leaf axils.

Foliage type and colour: The foliage is glossy, deep green, lance-shaped leaves up to 10cm in length. In cold areas, the leaves turn red in winter.

Soil type: Prefers moist, well-draining soil but can withstand poor soil.

Width: Up to 4m

Height: Up to 15m

Recommended uses: An attractive tree for damp or shady areas. A good shade or street tree.